Some fabulous feedback from our Chef’s Table we have recently launched – don’t just believe our word.

Thank you team Big Bite Catering for an amazing experience at your Chefs Table.  We cannot wait to return for spring menu.  Not an experience you get every time you eat out.  This was hands down a great night.
Lyn Downie

Last night I got the opportunity to be at the Chef’s Table (cue M&S music) not just any Chef’s Table but Alan owner of the amazing Big Bite Catering company.  This experience was one of the best experiences I have ever been to.  10 lovely people sat and engrossed with Alan and his chefs cooking!  Eating, drinking, and experiencing the amazing cuisine and flavours!  This is a fabulous experience we will never forget & lucky to have this on our doorstep and more importantly supporting local business.
Carrie Jones